
Mood Up Lighting

Mood uplighting hire, For wedding, Private & Corporate Events

LED lighting provides an extremely flexible way of lighting and colour washing indoor areas to produce a great atmosphere. The power requirements of these units are exceptionally low at only 15 watts per unit you could run over 150 units off just one 13 amp socket!

LED lights are fully DMX compatible and when linked to a DMX controller are capable of displaying virtually any colour in the RGB range. Each unit can be controlled individually or in groups. They are fully dimmable and can cycle through any colours of your choosing. They can flash and strobe in time with music too!

mood up lighting

What this means is that you could, for example, use LEDs up lights to light and colour wash the lining of a marquee. We can program the lights to one colour/ brightness while your eating, another four/ brightness for speeches and even make them colour chase and flash for a disco type effect for later in the evening.You could even run a subtle colour change around the marquee or in a wave slowly (or at any speed) up and down the length of the marquee.

The LED Rain™ 64 is a 7-channel DMX LED narrow beam fixture that features blackout, static, dimmer, and strobe functions. The unit can switch between sound-active and automatic modes, with static colors and RGB color mixing available via dip switches or DMX control.
1. Set a single colour scheme
2. Mix two colours
3. Set all the fixtures to fade through a variety of colours and set a fade time from 5-80 seconds.
4. Set a single/two tone colour scheme to change at a chosen time throughout the evening
5. From as little as £80.00 for 4 led Mood up lighters & £150.00 for 10 Mood Up Up lighters

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